Our Mission
Hampton Court Castle has been shaped throughout its history by its various owners. Many served as wonderful custodians, transforming the Castle and ensuring its survival. We are proud of the visible legacy these families have left which, taken together, tell the story of the Castle’s history.
We know the value of Hampton Court Castle to the community and cannot continue to leave its fate to the ebb and flow of wealthy individuals. Our mission is to use its incredible resources to create wonderful experiences and treasured memories for as many people as possible – enabling the estate to sustainably support itself and ensure its own long-term future.
To achieve this, we must create an ongoing culture of custodianship, where all of us share our Custodian Values of being proud, protective and progressive.

Custodian Values
We are Proud of the Castle’s diverse history and the personal connections that so many people have to it.
We are Protective of the Castle’s long-term future – respecting its inherent fragility, shielding it from harm, and always working in harmony with its history and natural environment.
We are Progressive in our approach to adopting new ideas and ways of working, and take deliberate action to widen the estate’s appeal and make it more accessible.
Team Values
We believe that great teams are built on trust and collaboration. It’s important that we are each able to communicate effectively, and work in a transparent and joined-up way, creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable sharing without fear of judgement or offending others.
We know that on an estate like this there is always much more to do. We must each show initiative and be proactive, while carefully prioritising our time and working in a considered, organised way.
We set ambitious targets and measure our success so that we can continuously learn and improve. Mistakes happen, it’s how we deal with them that matters. We must foster a culture where everyone is willing to take personal responsibility, knowing that we are supportive of each other and are all working towards shared goals.
We are mindful of our impact on others. In our decision making, we prioritise the long term interests of the estate, always ‘showing good judgement’. We are also each committed to facilitating a positive, friendly and supportive environment for everyone who works here, united by a love of what we do and where we are.